45年もの長きにわたり、フラワーデザイン界の第一線に携わり、真摯に花と向き合って素晴らしいデザインを発表してきた巨匠ウィム・ハゼラー。本書は彼が綴った世界初、そして唯一の花作品集。 本人直筆のサイン付です。\rウィムハゼラー : 1943年3月18日、デヴェンダー近郊にある、オランダウィルプで生まれた。フラワーデザイナーとして1964年に最初の賞を取った。以後、幾つもの賞を受賞。\rGreat master WIMU goby Ra he participates in the front line in the flower design world over chief putting 45 year old one, and it's confronted with a flower sincerely, and who has announced the wonderful design. The first in the world by which he wrote this note and the only floral work collection. It's with a signature of the person himself autograph.\rWIMUHAZERA: I was born in ORANDAWIRUPU where it's in a DEVENDA suburb on March 18, 1943. I won the first prize in 1964 as a flower designer. That and many prizes are won.